Lab Members


keywords: Metaverse, Artificial Intelligence, Fear conditioning

Since completing my PhD in 2010, I have published 150 refereed journal articles, 4 referred book chapters and 2 Books. My work has been presented at 30 conferences. With 4300 citations (Google Scholar) and an average Impact Factor of 5, my journal articles are having a clear impact in the field. In terms of the refereed journal articles,...

- (2023) Alle radici dell'atteggiamento no vax. Uno studio sui correlati psicofisiologici dell'esitazione e resistenza alla vaccinazione. Osservatorio di Antropologia evoluzionistica e cognitiva. LA MEMORIA, IL TEMPO E LA STORIA L'OBLIO DEL SACRO IN OCCIDENTE 8-9-10 SETTEMBRE, MANDANICI.

Carmelo M Vicario
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